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Ruler said:

I am not into Skyrim but why is it excatable that PS4 and Xbox One owners have to pay full 60€/$ for a Remaster? While PC gamers dont have to buy anything, if they have bought the Game of the Year Edition of Skyrim or all the DLC in the vanilla version they will get Skyrim Special Edition for free.

Why cant Bethesda treat console gamers the same way at least the PS360 DIgital owners of the same stuff like PC gamers?

And 60 bucks for a remaster? i think this is a complete ripp off. Its cheaper to import the physical version of Resident Evil 5 Remaster (35€) here from the USA than buying this remaster locally. And 20$ if you live in the US, thats 3 copies of Resident Evil 5 Remastered you can buy for the price Bethesda is charging for. Like WTF Bethesda?

And i dont see any one brining this up in the media?


This is nothing new.
Remember when you had to pay for DLC with Left 4 Dead when PC gamers got it for free? Good times.

And the reason why Console gamers don't get treated like PC gamers is simple. They aren't PC gamers, crazy isn't it?
Consoles have a myriad of licensing agreements due to being a closed, fixed environment, developers even have to pay Microsoft/Sony just to release a patch for their games, on the PC it has total freedom for a developer and none of those costs.
Plus Consoles still push last-century optical discs, which requires stamping, packaging, shipping and handling and then end up in a retail store, that's additional costs that will need to be recouped, PC is essentially all digital, there is none of that investment/expenditure required.

And as for the justification for the cost... Bethesda are overhauling the game visually, textures have been enhanced, lighting has been overhauled, shaders have been improved, you name it, they have to pay people to make this stuff.
On PC, Bethesda would only be competing with itself, it is a hard sell for Bethesda to sell something to PC gamers when PC gamers already had it for free for half a decade... At-least with this approach they can sell the DLC and make some money back.

Besides, you will get all the games DLC and up to date bug fixes too, so there is that.

Metallox said:
You are class second citizens, sorry :P

I admit. I laughed. Haha

Dyllyo said:
Lol. The response to this is hilarious.

This is why I don't care for PC gaming at all anymore. The community is toxic and elitist.

Console gaming is where it's at anyway and always has been.

You should probably look in your own backyard before you criticise someone elses.

Dyllyo said:


See? This is why people hate the "masterrace". Console games have firmware updates just as often. Why fuck half your consumers? Witcher 3 had numerous firmware updates, ON CONSOLES, that fixed framerate and graphical issues. Why can't Bethesda do that? Because they think it's okay to fuck over console gamers, because they think less of them. 

I haven't seen you get so "enthusiastic" when the PC gets a dodgy console port? Or is that enthusiasm only 1 way?

Ljink96 said:
Ruler said:

who supports the industry the most and spends most money to these devolopers 

PC Gaming is expected to surpass Console gaming in revenue next year :O But I will glady die a second class citizen.

Pretty sure it already has actually. There are estimates of 180~ million users on Steam, which is more than all the next-gen home consoles combined.

Mr Puggsly said:

Do you think you uncovered some sort of revelation?

Nobody is being forced to buy the Skyrim remaster and its price will eventually go down. For those who haven't played it at all and own a 8th gen console, its arguably worth $60.

It also includes all the DLC an overhauled game visually, mod support, fully updated and patched... And there will likely be people who spend 1000+ hours just collecting all the games cabbages, so for them it will be worth every penny.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--