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shikamaru317 said:
JRPGfan said:

There was a youtube video of a RX 480 doing Overwatch at 4k with max settings, and doing so at over 60 fps.


I know overwatch isnt the most demanding game but still.... its able to do it with 4k and everything maxed.

To me thats still impressive.

That is actually quite impressive. That puts the performance exactly where I was hoping it would be, on par with the 300 series Fury's:


Hopefully this other guy is just some Nvidia fanboy that's trying to make AMD look bad with fake benchmarks.

^ this video.

its a "teaser" video, he doesnt show the fps, but implies its 4k and maxed settings, avg over 60fps.


I think the RX 480 is around R9 Fury & maybe slightly above the Nvidia 980.

But slightly behinde the 980ti & Fury X.


Still I think once its had a few driver updates, and you OC these things... they will fly.