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tbone51 said:
Boskabo said:
Difference is pretty wide now.

But as an indication that Amazon is over-representative of niches, consider these top 2016 titles:
#39 FF XV Deluxe (PS4)
#41 Persona 5 Take Your Heart (PS4)
#70 Pokemon Moon (3DS)
#81 Pokemon Sun (3DS)

All JRPGs...
(Let's hope Persona 5 sells >5m units..)

Way optimistic there. Franchise barely had 1 title hit 1mil. Lets hope for 2mil+ first! 5Mil is alot for a jrpg not named ff/pokemon

If Persona 5 sell 5 Millions it would be more than most or if not all the new IPs that launched exclusive for PS4, or Xbox One. This would be really funny to see, No one would be able to call it niche  if it reach 5 Millions.