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Whether sober or drunk, I'm allegedly 25 years old.

My inaugural sober Wii Fit Age as of 4:00 pm or so was 35.

My drunk Wii Fit Age as of 11:30 pm or so was 28!

Drinking 2 really strong martinis made me 7 years younger fitness-wise!

And sober balance-wise, my center of balance was waaaaay back, and a good amount to the left, like 54% to 46%.

And drunk wise, I was EXACTLY 50/50. Not even 50.1% to 49.9%. It congratulated me on having PERFECT BALANCE. I shit you not.

I was definitely more aware of my balance, posture, and breathing, and knew what my natural weakness was, since I did this once earlier in the day, so already it's been a huge help, just to get me more aware of all this shit. But holy hell, I didn't expect to IMMEDIATELY PERFECT IT. I AM SO AWESOME AHAHAHA!!!!