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Peh said:
vivster said:

Hitting on a 15 year old girl is not pedophilia.

Also isn't what he did called entrapment?

It's called hebephilia.

Unless she looks quite underage, she's too old even for that. Surely not pedophilia, that requires attraction for minors of very young age, physical look and psychological and sexual maturity, and is almost always devastating for the victim, while for older minors it depends on their psyvchological maturity, that's why in countries wher adult can have sex with minors older than 13 or 14 years there are anyway further conditions to avoid abuse of children not enough sexually and/os psychologically mature, and also higher minimum age, up to age of majority, if the adult is a relative or has some position of authority or legal guardianship that could help partially or totally bending the minor's will, and deliberate abuse of authority to obtain it is always punished harshly even without actual violence or threats.

This said, accusing that man of pedophilia is surely slander, as it's technically completely incorrect, his behaviour can be even highly questionoble and illegal, but it doesn't imply what's justly considered one of the worst perversions.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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