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bunchanumbers said:
Barkley said:

Even if you are primarily a mutliplayer gamer Nintendo games generally don't feature voice of even text chat, even if they implemented such a feature in the future it would no doubt be optional. How would you have to "deal" with these people just to continue playing the games you know and love. I don't even have to deal with these people when I'm playing Rocket League or CoD.

And when it comes to singleplayer games, this has absolutely no effect at all. Not buying Zelda because it's on a ps4 just because somehwere else in the world "dude-bro's" are using a ps4 to play Fifa online is a very strange thing.

I've already said my piece on it. If you don't understand it then you won't understand it. But if you're a Nintendo fan, then you will probably understand. If you've been on Miiverse then you'd understand. There's a lot of joy when you are a part of a community that likes the games you like. And all of that disappears when Nintendo goes 3rd party.

So you will only play Nintendo games if you can go on miiverse. That's interesting considering before the WiiU no nintendo console had anything like it, there are plenty of community websites for Nintendo fans too. If the NX had no social features you would still buy it. You'd never play a Nintendo game again if they took away miiverse, got ya! Seems to me more like you're just exaggerating because you really don't like the idea of Nintendo being third party, when in reality it has almost no affect on you other than the box you have to buy.

If Nintendo shut down Miiverse, would you not buy Zelda Breath of the Wild? You'd buy it and enjoy it still. Just as you'd buy Nintendo games on other systems and enjoy them still, if the games themselves aren't as important as 'miiverse' when there are many alternatives online I don't know what to say.