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Swordmasterman said:
GribbleGrunger said:

7 hours since last update:

#15 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (same)
#24 XB1s-2tb (up 2)
#46 XB1 Three Game Bundle (up 33)
#75 N3DSXL Black (down 3)
#86 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 12)
#90 N3DSXL Red (up 6)
#91 XB1 Name Your Game Bundle (same)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#09 PS4 Persona 5 PE (up 2)
#14 WiiU Zelda: Breath Of Wind (up 2)
#16 PS4 Star Ocean (up 2)
#21 WiiU Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE (up 16)

The Three Game Bundle  is doing well, I think that people realized that they will not be able to get the Xbox Slim before late Agust or early September

You can also get that bundle + a 2nd controller + Forza Horizon 2 for $299. I'd assume that's also helping a lot.