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deskpro2k3 said:

I think what he did by reporting is a good thing. However, what I find weird is him pretending to be a girl to hunt these individuals with sex. Like does he go patrolling the chatrooms for hours and hours as a little girl?

It's like cops trying to sell you weed outside a nightclub just to bust you if you give in. (I see those cops there at Taj Lounge all the time posing as a weedman, pot head, stoners, 420ers, dope faced, weedlings..etc etc)

the majority of times Anxiety War has not done that, I believe he did it twice. a lot of his videos were taken down but the majority just involved showing up at a fast food or convenience store parking lot to confront an online sexual predator in his normal clothing and personality


at any rate its not as if what Anxiety War does generally can be used in court cases, I don't think at least. I believe it IS a basis for the police to take seriously their own investigation of the person though.


also a lot of people seem malinformed, Anxiety War is generally pretending to be like a teenage girl, not an 8 year old. he just plays dumb in chat logs. 

I will admit any sort of entrapment in which you make it up a whole scenario seems a bit odd, but we do have to some degree accept the fact that the perpetrator and sexual predator has NO idea that its fake while they're involved.

the scenario may be synthetic but imagine if it was your 13 year old daughter getting creeped on and convinced to meet up for sex by some 30 year old.

again though, its not as if Anxiety Wars stings on their own put these people in jail. he just reports his findings to the police and then they do their own research seperately