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Intrinsic said:
Shorten? These iterative consoles are primed to do the exact opposite. They will make it longer. In another 3-4yrs there will be another PS4. Or PS5 or whatever.... rather than generational leaps, we are moving to preset leaps.

This statement is a chess move. The Scorpio is more powerful and as such could be seen as a new generation. By saying this now it puts the ball in Miscrosoft's court and forces them to consider how they approach the marketing carefully. They had more leeway before this statement and gave Sony the headache. This redresses the balance a little. As it stood, MS could change the messaging based on how things stood nearer to the launch. They could adjust it from 'iterative' to 'new cycle' and no one would have thought twice about it. By promising the Neo won't shorten the lifecycle, Sony have subliminally planted the idea that a shorter life cycle is a bad thing. Now it's more likely that MS will go with 'iterative' to avoid a possible backlash. Sony will be hoping that this will be discussed in the media to help cement the negatives of a shorter lifecycle.

I love this shit. I'm already starting to see Sony adjusting their messaging from power to games. They had both before but they know they won't have both come the release of the Scorpio.


The PS5 Exists.