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mztazmz said:
This thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that fanboy goggles are very thick indeed. Most of you are flat out lying to yourselves because the thought of a game looking this good on PS3 is too painful to accept.

Then when you get called out on your BS, you realize you can't point out a CONSOLE game that looks as good so you jump over to Crysis.

You really start looking stupid when you bring up the game's high settings which need a $4000 PC to play.

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does Crysis look on a $400 PC?

KZ2 on PS3 makes Crysis on a $400 PC like like SHIT and you know it. But of course you can't admit it to anyone here.

Anti-Sony people are so pathetic and that's putting it mildly. I'm sure you'll all flame me for slapping you with a dose of reality so go right ahead. I'm not a 15 year old with no life so you won't hurt my feelings.
I pc was about 700 dollars and it could play crysis on very high. Crysis on low-medium looks better than killzone 2 and I got crysis to run at these settings on my friends 450 dollar pc. I bet it's easy to get it to run on a $400 dollar pc now compared to when crysis was released. Oh and btw, why shouldn't we compare the best graphics on pc to the best graphics on the ps3. Ps360 people do this all the time to wii games. We aren't anti-ps3, we are just fixing a false statement.