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Swordmasterman said:
Aura7541 said:
The PS4 has almost caught up to the XB1 S sooner than I expected. I thought the XB1 S would hold for something like 3 weeks. The PS4 has more exclusive software than the XB1 for this month and July. Coupled with XB1 sales reallocated to August, PS4 will easily win both months by a good margin. It can keep the gap close in August if Sony rigorously advertises No Man's Sky and then, go all out on FFXV (and the bundle) in September.

I don't understand why the Xbox One is so high in the chartz and the highest ranking game on the Xbox One is Doom that is on the 31st spot of Amazon, I think that the Highest ranked exclusive Right now is Master Chief Collection at 91.

Novelty, basically. People like seeing shiny new boxes.