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Esmoreit said:
darthdevidem01 said:

or it could be a "Resistance" ---- 3 million...

or how about "Uncharted"


I see all of the above three succeeding. Resistance got out the gate first and has a name for itself. Uncharted was, in my eyes, the first true AAA title on the PS3. MGS4 I doubt I'll even have to talk about.

Killzone 2, in my eyes, has the Haze Factor. And before that, the Lair factor. It looks great, but in the end will probably be just you standart fare. I don't see anything that makes it stand out as a shooter, apart from it's graphics. And we all know how well that worked for Crysis. 

And yes I do recognize sarcasm, but I had hoped I wouldn't have to explain my comment.

Haze never looked great.  In fact, it always lloked like crap.  People hyped it because it was developed by Free Radical.  The situation with Haze is the complete opposite of that with Killzone 2.  Haze was hyped because of the developer, KZ2 is being hyped based on what's been seen and played of the actual game.