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Let's just get my complaints out of the way now:
Turrets are ridiculously overpowered and should not auto-target in half a second. It makes them cheap and the Play of the Game eternally sucks if a higher level turret ends up in a good spot.

The fact that they don't limit the number of times a hero can be on a team is also really annoying at times. I've played some games with three Torbjorns on the enemy team, and that was basically that. Even when we took a turret out, another was just replaced immediately. Even if you kill a hero, their gear stays behind, so it isn't as if killing the hero is a solution. Honestly, for the sake of the balance in random matches, I wish they would put a hard cap on one of a particular hero per team. That or limit the amount of certain kinds of hardware a team can have out. As it stands, the free for fall that every match is can absolutely decimate team balance.

All of that aside, I have been enjoying the game well enough. I've played around 20 hours so far since the game launched, have suffered the leaver penalty because the game insists on backfilling individual players on losing teams in nearly over games, and tried the modes of the week. It took me about 15 of those hours to actually get a victory on all maps in the game, defending and attacking, because of the backfilling issue. The game is more fun when I'm playing with my friend though for sure, if for no other reason than a seriously losing team usually won't have two free slots at any given moment.

As for heroes, I've familiarized myself with Roadhog, D. Va, Junkrat, Widowmaker, Mei, Soldier 76, McCree, Reaper, Mercy, Zenyatta, and a few others. The random hero mode really helped me branch out and realize what could be done with other heroes. At this point I probably prefer the tanks, but the so called defense heroes aren't so bad to use either.