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Hype isn't something a company can control. If that would be the case, insurance companies wouldn't have to work so hard to get people in. Or more closer to home... Sony tried their best to hype the PS3 pre-release with bold statements, viral marketing etc. Some of which blew up in their face (remember the PSP rap?) and thus becomming some anti-hype.
Last generation, Nintendo tried their best to hype the GC and also failed, whilst wii-fit currently is hyped not necessarily by gamers (here, most of us are merely looking at it from a sales perspective) yet all media cover it's launch.

I can see why it's hyped though. It's something fairly new and you are right that the graphics are, to my knowledge nearly unprecedented on a console.
I'm a shooterfan too but I'm fairly critical at that. I demand something engaging or fresh for my shooter-experience. I shunned games like Doom 3, Resistance and Halo 3 because of this. And no matter from what angle I look, to me KZ2 fits right in that list.

Don't get me wrong, I do think it will sell amazingly (I'll hold off on official guesses untill launchday) and I certainly hope it will succeed as it's to my knowledge the first highly anticipated game by Dutch hands.
But in the end I suspect an average score of 7.5, maybe 8 - which in the shooter-genre isn't all that amazing anymore.

As for the financial side, I wouldn't argue on that as I have no knowledge there. I do admire Sony for not rushing the title though.

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