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TheLegendaryWolf said:
Ljink96 said:
Just because NX isn't about specs doesn't mean it won't have decent specs. Reggie is only saying, specs aren't what makes the game. Some of the most graphically inferior games have become the best selling games of all time. For example, Mario Kart Wii. The game looks like trash for the era it was in. Looked like Gamecube 1.5 graphics. But guess what, tens of millions of people have bought and played the game. This is old news at this point, why are people surprised by this?

You can be affordable, powerful, and create games that reach wide audiences a the same time. That essence was the Wii and DS.

Exactly, he isn't saying that strong hardware is not important but that the games come first in their eyes. I can't blame that some people feel pessimistic since Reggie did say the exact same thing for the Wii U and we all know what happened there. My guess is that the NX will be as strong or slightly stronger than the X1/PS4 but obviously weaker than the out of left field Neo and Scorpio. 

I have to say, Wii U brought some of the best 1st party content Nintendo has ever made. Wii U houses my favorite 3D Mario, Now Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros. and I could keep going but you get the point. Wii U had great software and for the most part the software sold really well. Wii U just came out at the wrong time with the wrong approach, wrong price.

Mbolibombo said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:

Exactly, he isn't saying that strong hardware is not important but that the games come first in their eyes. I can't blame that some people feel pessimistic since Reggie did say the exact same thing for the Wii U and we all know what happened there. My guess is that the NX will be as strong or slightly stronger than the X1/PS4 but obviously weaker than the out of left field Neo and Scorpio. 

If the NX can proved 2 terraflops I would be stoked. Heck, I would probably be ok with 1.5 hehe. NX should be able to handle every single game from every developer if so so the hardware wouldnt be the issue. The Wii U has ~350 gigaflops I believe so the difference will definately show. 

I mean, for me as long as Nintendo makes kickass content like they've been doing for the MOST part, I'll be fine. If I want games that are only possible on PS or XB, I'll get those consoles. It would be great to get all that content between Nintendo and 3rd parties on one console but that's not Nintendo's priority for whatever reason.