MrCkurab said: Ok, as I see it being mentioned again and again I'm gonna talk about it for a bit: "Nintendo just going third party" is not nearly as simple as many of you seem to think, not to mention that it also likely wouldnt be good for them. First, the obvious points: Nintendos Developers are used to work very close to the hardware, thats why their games are so performant and polished. Going Third-Party would cancel that advantage. Of course they would get used to other hardware, but it would never be on the same level AND it would take quite some time. Secondly, and this ties in with the first point, they would likely loose many of their best people. Especially the veterans, people like Miyamoto, Aonuma and Sakurai are deeply rooted in the Nintendo of today. Hell Miyamoto could just go and say "I'm retiring" hes already at the age, he just goes on because he loves his job there. Being faced with changes on a level like this I think it is highly likely that they and quite a few other people as well would simply say:"Fuck this, I'm out!" Thirdly, and this is the part most people dont get: Every Developer pays royalties to the platform holder so he can publish his game on the platform. Nintendo actually introduced this system back in the day, so they could stop the crappy shovelware that crashed the gaming industry from pulling them down. I hope this helped some of you to realize that "just going third party" is not magically going to solve all of Nintendos problems. tl,dr: Going third party would HURT Nintendo much more then it would benefit them. |
The developers couldnt even really work on Wii U HW isnt that why there were droughts? So what difference would it be for another HW? Maybe HW doesnt have anything to do with it maybe they are just incompetent. Maybe Ninty is not good at actually MAKING HW and the devs would be better if they went to work on a system that is actually manageble? Im not saying they should go 3rd i dont care im just pointing some stuff out.
YOu dont kow these people, you cant be sure they will leave
I can see royalties.
IMHO they dont have to go 3rd party, but maybe stop making home consoles since they havent been doing a great job at that for a long time now. Maybe go just handheld since people still buy those. Man i really hope the hybrid system is real.