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curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:

Oh I know story isn't as important in Zelda as in other games.  But it IS a part and deserves scrutiny.  Twilight Princess has great gameplay, excellent dungeon design, and so many other exceptional gameplay elements but has a story that engaged me, a villain that was interesting and intimidating and had what I think was a fascinating deconstruction, a companion who is an excellent character not just for a Zelda game but for any game.  So yeah, I can understand it not being crucial but it is there and can and has been better than OoT.

That's where I differ I think.  For me, it wasn't breathtaking cause I've played numerous big open world games including Wind Waker and the pseudo-open Twilight Princess.  In fact, I was kinda stunned how close some things were at times :P.  So for me, there was no wow facto except when consider it was a 3DS game.

Art style isn't bad mind you, I just don't see as much distinct flavor as pretty much all the others.  I actually think I prefer the Skyward Sword style, despite the hardware clearly limiting how far they could push it.  But the BotW art style is the best so far I think.  Has a distinct flavor, bold use of color, highly expressive, yet still has plenty of potential to be serious.

But all this goes back to what I said earlierl:  I don't think OoT stands up in a straight comparison of the games as they sit right now, but I do think that of all the 3D Zeldas OoT is the most prominent when compared to the peers of its day.  

Skyward and Twilight do have better stories, (And I too love Midna) but I don't feel their worlds, soundtracks, or the whole cohesive package were as epic and memorable as Ocarina's.

Art style's obviously subjective, but while I do very much enjoy Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild's art styles, I feel that the TP route is the best so far, as it retains a quirky stylization while still being very dramatic in a Lord of the Rings kind of way. The Zelda HD demo at E3 2011 is pretty much what my ideal Zelda would look like.

Soundtrack is definitely one strong point of OoT I forgot to bring up.  For that one, I have a hard time deciding where the games fall.  I love all the field themes.  As for epicness...hmmm.  Wind Waker felt pretty epic to me, oddly, in terms of story and scope.  Skyward Sword isn't so much epic as dramatic.  I would say overall Twilight Princess feels to me the most epic.  OoT is definitely very epic for an N64 game and has a grandiose scope.  But I feel Twilight Princess feels like a more grand adventure, with a more ever-present sense of conflict and a more compelling villain and a lot more meaningful plot twists.

I can definitely see where you're coming from.  I think the coolest part about Zelda though is that the art style they choose is always paired up very well with what they want to do with the story in terms of style and tone.