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CosmicSex said:

In the coming 'war' it will be Windows 10 Store VS Steam.  There is something unsettling about dividing up PC into exclusives by OS and storefront.   In the end, I think Microsoft's real target was Steam all along. 

I think for a number of years now MS hasn't been after Steam, they have been admiring Apple's gardening plans, in which Apple have a very popular brand and a popular garden plan that allows them to remain where they are while making boatloads of money without competition being able to topple them let alone get them to do what the competition are doing. To Apple they are always seen as the apprent "inventors", MS clearly wants to be in that position where they own a giant garden where they control things, where competition can't force them to budge and where competition has to follow them.

I'm not really surprised at their OS divide plan since getting people onto Win 10, X1 and anything MS related just adds to the private garden Apple style. I'm pretty sure most giant corporations strive for that style of utopia since it greatly benefits them but not us if we choose to leave the garden. 

I can easily see DR4 coming to Steam but with a catch that all users on Steam have to use Windows 10 in order to play it. According to Steam there are more Windows 10 users so it wouldn't surprise me tosee MS commanding Steam users towards their latest OS and into the garden.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"