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Soundwave said:

Yes absolutely that imam should be called out for that. 

But lets not forget that kinda lost in this story was that a white guy was on his way to LA Pride parade the same day with guns and make shift bombs planning to kill people there. 

The only difference? He happened to get caught on his way there. The eerie thing is he had the exact same profession even as the Orlando shooter (security guard). 

So you know we can talk about how much progress has been made and that this is specifically a Muslim problem now, but the very same day this shooting hapepned you had a guy who wasn't Muslim planning to do the exact same thing. That puts things in some perspective. 

And if he killed all those people, and there is reason to believe it is because of religious views, then I can guarantee you it would be mentioned by somebody on the left. 

Just as that lunatic who killed people at the planned parenthood last year. 

Look how thinkprogress framed that story. I wonder how they framed this story?

But while some famous conservatives such Mike Huckabee were eventually willing to call the massacre a case of “domestic terrorism,” many on social media demanded that right-wing politicians refer to Dear as a “Christian terrorist.”

"A gun in the hands of just one Christian terrorist has resulted in the loss of life of a police veteran, father, and volunteer pastor; two civilians, injuries to five of Colorado’s brave law enforcement officers, and four innocent civilians.”

Now the president is having trouble calling this case "islamic terrorism" or Omar a "muslim terrorist." Why is that? Because it's not politcally correct to do so. I also find it funny that many of my friends on the left are itching to paint Omar as "a self-hating gay man who took his rage out on the club because he probably was rejected." Talk about victim blaming. I've seen other gay people say this too. It is absolutely disgusting, to be honest. A friend of mine said, "we need to stop rejecting people, look what just happened." Instead of calling a spade a spade, because that would be politically incorrect, people need to come up with conspiracy theories and blame the victims.