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CosmicSex said:
Mystro-Sama said:
This is so stupid...

In the coming 'war' it will be Windows 10 Store VS Steam.  There is something unsettling about dividing up PC into exclusives by OS and storefront.   In the end, I think Microsoft's real target was Steam all along. 

I don't know about all along but it's their new target now, for certain.  They want their OS monopoly to be more profitable.  They gave away Windows 10 instead of selling it because they believe they can funnel people into buying from the Windows Store.  Steam is a massive road block to that.

The problem is that they're still Microsoft, they're still intent on forcing people into buying from them rather than enticing.  They just do what they want, no matter how anti-consumer, and then wonder why they failed.  It's just like GFWL, where they had the absolute perfect opportunity to take over the PC gaming market, they put all that money into securing games, and then it was utter and complete trash that did nothing but infuriate people.

They have so many resources, they could have done this right.  That's the crazy part.  Instead, we get UWP and a terrible store front.