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We also need to remember that Nintendo hasn't been showing much since E3 2015, all very likely being due to development shifting over to NX. We can accept the drought as long as we know that it has clear reasons.

When they show NX later this year and there ISN'T a good amount of cool games watch us tearing them a new one!
I am a fan of Nintendo but I'm the last one to excuse their bullshit when they decide to pull it again!

2015 we were pissed because E3 was the big showing. Whatever wasnt shown there wouldnt be shown otherwise. This year they went out of their way to tell everyone: "Yes, its mostly Zelda, but dont worry, we'll be showing NX and more soon enough"
We know theres more it it will come sooner or later this year, so we begrudingly accept that.

The new guy.

Sorry for possible mistakes, not a native speaker!