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Whats with the surprise?
Remember people, NX was planned and announced long before we knew about NEO and Scorpio.
Back then, making a new console mid-cycle was risky enough, making it stronger without knowing if third-partys would support it AND risking low sales due to the higher price that comes with unnessecary power would have been flirting with disaster.
Nintendo was just as surprised to hear about NEO and Scorpio as we were.

Everyone thought that it would be NIntendo and ONLY Nintendo who were going to release a new Console mid-cycle. So NX obviously was designed to compete with Xbox One and PS 4 Power while being cheap enough so that people that already own a console will still consider buying it.

And tbh it is not really nessecary to match NEO and Scorpio: Both will receive absolutely 0 exclusive games, all games will be coming too PS 4 and XBox One as well thats a hard requirement Sony and Microsoft are putting up, third-parties have to do this.
So as long as NX matches Xbox one and PS 4 the specs shouldnt be much of a problem.

Also please remember that this is the the first generation in a VERY long time where the technically strongest console also is the most succesful! Remember Wii? PS 2? SNES?

specs /= success!

Also: They still havent shown anything! They could still change everything and we would never know!

The new guy.

Sorry for possible mistakes, not a native speaker!