Swordmasterman said:
minecrafter said:
there was a $279 deal for the halo limited edtion bundle. but now it's sold out (that is also the reason, why the bundle is dropping quick. it was #10 yesterday)
not sure if it was a pricing error, or pricematch thing. the bundle should've been $349 like the elite one
A Xbox Bundle with the biggest Xbox One's game for just 270US$ is a excelent deal.
ohh sorry i was wrong
the deal was $269 not $279
not much of a difference, but lets be correct
princevenom said:
JRPGfan said:
Maybe its time for Sony to do a Price cut?
Get the base model (500gb) down to 299$ so its priced the same as the Xbox One slim (500 gb).
sony will do price cut at gamescom or early august
that seems smart
if they want to sell psvr to new customer and not only current ps4 owner, a $50 cut to $299 would make it much more affoardable
i also don't think they'll wait until the holiday season like last year
this bf will be $249 or $299 with additional goodies