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GribbleGrunger said:
JRPGfan said:

Maybe its time for Sony to do a Price cut?

Get the base model (500gb) down to 299$ so its priced the same as the Xbox One slim (500 gb).

Naaa. it's not time to panic, it's time to wait and see how information from E3 (the future games) affects sales. Sony won't want to get into a price war and being $50 more is a position they've been in from the start. At the moment we're just seeing what you would expect from a new iteration of a console, whether that leads to a change of guard is something only a few weeks on the market can show. Sony will still win June and July so perhaps, if things haven't changed back to normal, Sony will off a couple of free games with a bundle. They'll do anything they can before they reduce that price.

4 hours since last update:

#09 XB1s-2tb (up 1)
#43 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (down 2)
#46 XB1 Halo Bundle (down 15)
#68 N3DSXL Red (down 1)
#80 XB1s-500gb (down 2)
#100 XB1 Three Game Bundle (down 2)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#03 PS4 The Last Guardian (same)
#05 WiiU Zelda: Breath Of Wind (up 1)
#08 PS4 Persona 5 PE (same)
#14 PS4 Horizon: Zero dawn CE (up 1)
#42 PS4 Star Ocean (down 2)

The charts are messing up a bit at the moment.

Why Halo bundle is so high in the chartz ?, I thought that the bundle was 400-500US$.