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About the repeated item finding, I think there will be a forging/upgrading system which we had not yet seen, that maybe we can forge better items just by fusing numerous repeating items, thats why maybe, outside of them having durability, is why we can find so many of them.

Over the corncerns of it being "empty", I have none, since for me it does not feel empty, it actually feels like the pacing of things seems just aboiut perfect.There is enough space betwenn things to do that will make it seems like a real place, but there is also a seemlessly an endless number of things to do, so not worried in that regard.
The only thing that worried me a bit is the somewhat lack of music in the overworld area.Also the battle music seems somewhat light, but then again, it might be because I couldnt hear the music really well over the stream.I wish they had a bit more emphasis on music instead of enviroment sounds, but if it feels right when playing the game, I wont complain.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.