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curl-6 said:
PAOerfulone said:

So after 2 years of no footage after the Game Awards 2014 and being delayed twice, let me ask you guys something...
Did this all make it worth the wait? The long, agonizing wait for more info?

I still don't think the delays or the year and a half of radio silence were justified.

As spectacular as it looks, it doesn't look like anything that couldn't be made in 4 years, considering plenty of other big productions have been completed in 2-3 years. And keeping us in the dark for 18 months was totally uncalled for.

Yeah, it's a bit of a trick question.  Was this spectacular and rekindled a ton of hype?  Absolutely.  But nothing can "fix" the long wait.  

I'm more laid back about it because...well I'm an Elder Scrolls fan, we're lucky to get any info on a new title all the way up to 12 months prior to launch :P