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While I'm still excited for more Xbox games shown at e3, I'd still say Sony won just for their format: very minimal talking, non-stop trailers is where it should be at next year, as well as exciting new IPs.

But I feel there is an exaggeration in this win. None of the games announced have a release date, not even the vague 2017 or Holiday 2017 usually for these types of announcements. It's hard for me to get excited for games that are so untangible, so far away. It's basically a repeat of last year, where some people thought Sony won because of TLG, Shenmue 3, and FFVIIR. Yet a year later, none of them are released, and we haven't heard from 2 of them in a long time. Is anyone really still that hyped for Shenmue 3 of FFVIIR?

this is basically a repeat of last year