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Conina said:
JEMC said:

By the way, there's something about the Xbox conference that I noticed and want to talk about here. It's about the Scorpio console.

During the "announcement" of the machine, the only two bits of data MSoft shared were those 6TFlops of compute power and a memory bandwidth of 320 GB/s.

Now, what most of us assumed was that these new machines (Scorpio and PS Neo) would feature a Polaris 10 chip, probably the one in the RX 480. The 6TFlops figure kind of confirms that, as the 480 with 2304 shaders running at 1,266 MHz delivers 5.8 TFlops, but the RX 480 has a 256 GB/s memory bandwidth, a lot slower than the quoted 320GB/s.

The question is: does it mean that MSoft is using an unknown GPU from AMD? Or the answer is simpler than that, and it's just that MSoft will use the RX 480 chip but with GDDR5X instead of the regular GDDR5 that the card will use? And if that's the case, does it mean that AIB partners could launch RX 480 variants with the faster GDDR5X memory?

Probably PS Neo will use a Polaris-based SoC and Scorpio will use a small version of a Vega-based SoC or a Zen/Polaris based SoC.

But Vega is HBM 2, and that would give it a lot more memory bandwidth.

Also, if MSoft is going with Zen, that's a whole new CPU architecture and who knows if they'll carry over the troublesome eSRAM and those extra co-processors they put on the Xbox One APU...

Developing for all the Xbox consoles will be a nightmare for a lot of devs, and that's bad news for XboxOne owners as that's the console that will most likely suffer the most.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.