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There are over 100 million PC's out there with Windows 10 in them.
Combine that with the current Xbox One userbase and Microsoft now has a 120 million userbase that they can profit off of with their first party games.

So sure, you can say maybe they don't have any "true" exclusives on the Xbox One anymore, but either way they're getting your money, and any Xbox One sales that they lose from this decision they will more than likely make up twice as many in PC sales of first party games to make up for it.

I really wish they hadn't put all first party games on PC though. I have said plenty of times before on this site that I was considering buying an Xbox One in the future because a lot of the exclusives look really great such as Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, Recore, Sea of Thieves, etc. So sure, it saves me money on not having to buy a console, but i'm just saying I would have willingly bought one for these games anyway so they already lost a sale from me.

I guess you can say they are console exclusive still though. Honestly we'll just have to wait and see whether this plan works out for Microsoft in the end or not.

I can see maybe if it doesn't work out they'll go back to keeping things fully exclusive on whatever the next Xbox may be and have maybe only a few not as big exclusives make their way to Windows 10.