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There's a lot of games that I'd give a perfect 10, but I haven't played a lot of them, like BioShock Infinite or Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 for that matter, probably even the first BioShock (i played about half). I would add Def Jam fight for New York, just because of its diversity and skills and abilities, but it missed on so many levels, but it is one of those games that I'd play over and over and over again, and I think that's how you define a perfect 10.

I think a perfect 10 would have a lot of replay value so even Area 51 the first one not the second one would be a perfect 10 for me. Someone already mentioned Valkyrie Chronicles and Uncharted 2. I would definitely give mor nation racers a perfect 10, it was addictive, I still have it, and if I still had my PlayStation 3 I'd still be creating tracks on it.

I'm surprised no one said Final Fantasy 7, and LittleBigPlanet 1 had one hell of a degree of difficulty in my opinion and Little Big Planet 2 I'd give them both a perfect score of 10 out of 10