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Pemalite said:

Which is ironic considering both religions share allot of the same characters, story's, location etc'.
In-fact both are even derived from the same old texts... And share the same connections with Judaism.

Allah translated from Arabic to English literally means "God" and the Quran teaches that God revealed his truth to the prophets in the Judaism/Christianity religions which includes Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist and Jesus etc'.
So one could argue that Islam, Christian and the Jewish God is one in the same.

The main difference though is the lack of a "New Testament" in Judaism and Islam, which is where Christianity pulls away and becomes something different as everything in the old Testament is taught that it no longer applies.
Which means things like the MOSAIC laws are no longer relevent, such as Leviticus's Homosexuals should be put to death laws are to be ignored. - Of course you get Christian's who believe this is wrong and the Bible should be interpreted literally, but they are in a minority.

Hebrews 8:13 in speaking about the Old and New Testament: "By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."

The three main world religions all Trace their Origins back to Abraham