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JRPGfan said:
Persona still holding on :)

Man I hope it does good, just to show all those people that say "turn based rpgs" cant sell well anymore they are wrong.

It's not that they don't sell, it's that to make a game as big as FFXV for example, you need to sell lots. If that game sells 5M it would be a failure. So if you want big, Turn-based it's a big nope, in fact I think FFs half-assed solutions are a big mistake, they're trying to please everyone and will probably fail. Everything in that game looks amazing, except the battle system which looks meh. I think Square needs to either go full Action RPG with FF or lower their scope and return to Turn-based.

Anyways I don't see what's so good about Turn-based, I always thought RPGs were like that because of hardware limitations and we played them in spite of that, and since Action RPGs battle system were also terrible it didn't matter. To my surprise about 5 years ago I found out that people actually enjoy Turn-based.

But in my case, after playing Demons' Souls and Dragon's Dogma, I just can't play Turn-based RPGs anymore, except maybe Persona but that's because you don't have to grind at all but it's still challenging on the hardest difficulty, I never re-visit floors on Persona and beat all through the dungeon boss in one go. Basically in Persona dungeon-crawling is only like 20% of the game, still the worst part of the game, in others RPGs is like 50% of the game and extremely boring and super repetitive.

I still like Tactic RPGs a lot though.