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This girl is amazing. The statement she made is so thought provoking and well put together. It's powerful, reading it sparks emotion and sympathy and empathy and just so much support for her. She recognizes she made a terrible decision drinking so much, but she also realizes that this NEVER should have happened. Empowering, and she just released a second statement today saying that she remains anonymous because she is EVERY WOMAN. Seriously, she needs to be given a superhero name or something, she is encouraging so many women to come forward with their stories and she is showing that it is not ok to be ashamed because of something someone else did to you.

You deserve to be you. I would be the proudest friend, parent, brother, sister, relative, acquaintance EVER if I knew who this girl was. It's just amazing the way that she has approached this.

Oh, and just an aside, this kids father and the judge are useless human beings. He should be in jail for 10+ for this crap, he would have known better if he was not entitled and he was raised correctly.

NNID: Dongo8                              XBL Gamertag: Dongos Revenge