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@Chazore: So far, I'd say that you're doing an amazing job. That song fits perfectly with the vid


I've found another synthetic benchmark for the RX 480 and also a curious (also a bit sad and mostly about console games) study:

AMD Radeon RX 480 3DMark 11 Performance Benchmark Spotted – Polaris 10 Based Graphics Card Achieves Minimum VR Spec at Just $199

we found some 3DMark benchmarks of the Radeon RX 480 which show its performance amongst the ranks of modern GPUs. The new 14nm FinFET based offering from the chip manufacturer will be able to provide the necessary juice to power VR HMDs such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.

The benchmark itself can be found over at 3DMark database and lists the graphics card as an unrecognized Generic VGA. We can be sure it is indeed the RX 480 because the clock speeds and memory clocks match with the Polaris Tech Day demo not to mention that the device ID listed is indeed “67DF:C7”. The card achieves a P-Score of 14 461 points, which is above the minimum VR spec and about halfway to a 4K ready gaming PC.


62% of games from E3 2015 press conferences still unreleased

What’s life without a little excitement? The thirst in the gaming community for the next big thing is near-insatiable, and game publishers, developers and console makers love to constantly feed that desire. At the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (or E3 for short) held every year in Los Angeles, gamers around the world are tipped-off on the big gaming experiences they will be able to enjoy over the next year. Or the next two years. Or possibly sometime in the future. Or maybe not at all…


There are six main companies that host E3 press conferences. Three are publishers; Bethesda, EA and Ubisoft. Three are console manufacturers; Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. In this list we have removed multi-format third-party games showcased in last year’s event, and kept it to only first-part games and third-party games that are console exclusives.


E3 2015   Titles  Titles  Total % of total Total new Total % new  % of released  % of released 
 press TOTAL previously newly  games games games games games games
conference GAMES announced announced released released released released out 2015 out H2 2016
Bethesda 7 4 3 4 57 1 33 75 25
Electonic Arts 12 9 3 11 92 2 66 73 27
Sony 13 10 3 3 23 0 0 8 92
Microsoft 13 10 3 4 31 0 0 100 0
Ubisoft 11 6 5 8 73 2 40 75 25
Nintendo 14 8 6 13 93 5 83 69 31
Overall 70 47 23 43 62 10 37 67 33
  • Only 38% of the games spoken about during the E3 2015 press conferences have actually been released.
  • Of that 38% of games released, 33% weren’t released until 2016.
  • Sony is the worst performer, with only one game released from its E3 2015 press conference in that calendar year – a small indie from Devolver Digital called Ronin.
  • Sony also has the worst record for releasing games announced at its conference in the 12-months leading to the next E3, at only 23%
  • EA and Nintendo are the most likely to release a game they showcase before the next E3, with 92% and 93% of their titles available respectively.
  • Nintendo also released 83% of those games before Christmas 2015, which is the quickest turnaround by far.
  • Sony and Microsoft did not release a single one of their newly announced titles from the last E3 in the 12-months since the event.
  • Year-on-year, we are seeing a rise in games not being released following an E3 showcase. Our analysis shows 50% of Sony’s, and 60% of Microsoft’s E3 2014 press conferences did not see a release prior to E3 2015. These have increased to 77% and 63% respectively for this 12-month period.


If some of you want to make a thread to make fun of console games and their non-existent games, feel free to do it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.