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curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Its one of final stages of development, and I already wrote that isn't too late but it doesn't make any sense if we know all things that I mentioned.

Like I wrote, maybe will be canceled, but at this point with all thing we know (and that I several time wrote) that seems highly unlikely.

9 months out isn't final. It won't be in the final stage of development for months.

With NX on the horizon likely offering a far easier method of getting the game on a Nintendo platform, I don't fancy the Wii U version's chances. They'll take the easy (and cowardly) way out, scrap their Wii U work, and do an easy NX port.

We cant know if that is final, with informations we have now, those 9 months before launch are final.

I already wrote several times my answers on that and you just keep ignoring what I wrote. Again, some developers definitely knew more about NX than you and me I am pretty sure Yooka-Laylee devolpers already contacted Nintendo about NX version of game and that they already working on NX version too. 

Pls read what is already written, no need to repeat myself over and over again.