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curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:

So 90s Arcade Racer has been officially canceled for Wii U?  First I've heard.  There's a rumor floating around but Wii U is still listed as a platform for the game on their site.  The rumor's source site has been deleted and Destructoid, iirc, got a quote from one of the developers stating it was still coming to everything, again directing attention to their official site rather than the random one that for some reason had every KS platform dropped in favor of Xbone and PS4.  Just saying, it isn't actually canceled.  There has never been a statement to that effect.  And unlike Project Cars, 90s Arcade Racer has had trailers specifically directed at the Wii U for some time.  In fact, has it not shown up in Directs?  I can't be sure but i think I recall that. 

Point is, they've already committed a lot more publicly than Slightly Mad so I'm waiting to see what happens.  And if it ever gets done at all, for any platform :P

The official product page at Nicalis (which is currently down and giving me a 404) was changed to list the game as "90s Super GP" and the platforms as PS4 and Xbox One.

The game's production has been a trainwreck from the start honestly, it was originally set to come out in 2013


Miyamotoo said:

They have totally different relationship to Nintendo than any other 3rd party because they made games exclusive to Nintendo they were like part of Nintendo, also fact is that game like this is great for Nintendo platform.

Again ignoring what I wrote, like I wrote, there will be NX version in any case they probably working on NX version too, but on Wii U game can also have solid sales.

But by bringing it to NX they can still claim they're honouring their pledge to Nintendo gamers and supporting Nintendo hardware. NX will likely be much easier to port to than Wii U, so it will be a tempting option to abandon the difficult job of porting to Wii U in favour of a relatively painless alternative. 

Its not exatly same thing beacuse backers payed for Wii U version not NX version, also fact is that game can have solid sales on Wii U and NX beacuse game is perfect for Nintendo platforms.

Again, if they really have some plans for abandoning Wii U version perfect time would be to announce that right now and not actually saying that Wii U version will be one best versions and they giving Wii U version "right attention", they know Wii U at this point is very dead and they know that NX is coming in 9 monts and yet they said that.