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I decided starting a new adventure shounen would help heal my Fairy Tail wounds, so I finally got around to reading Boku no Hero Academia. The anime is airing this season, and I'm enjoying the hell out of I figured what am I waiting for. I've had a HA-themed sig for months now, for crying out loud.

Just finished the first volume, and so far it seems like the anime adapted it well, nothing that was really missed as far as I can tell. I did notice that the anime left out a bunch of Nintendo references. Or maybe I just missed it...*shrugs*

Also, according to the volume notes, Mount Lady was originally supposed to be the main heroine, but the author gave the female lead gravity powers instead. Darn...that could have been awesome. The more giant girls the better.

But Ochako is a cutie too so I don't mind.

Anyhoo, gonna slow down a bit, so I don't pass the anime up, but that should only be another few weeks anyway.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334