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Barkley said:

I never said Xbox is an irrelevent platform, there are many people who prefer Console gaming and can't be bothered or don't want to game on a PC.

Please read what you wrote:

Barkley said:

I won't be buying this game but anyone that will be buying it on pc doesn't need your pity because they saved $300 by not buying a machine that to them would be irrelevant and ended up with a game that performs and looks better and doesn't require a continued subscription to keep.

Barkley said:

Dude.... my enitre point and all my posts have been about PC gamers, I thought I was being abundantly clear, but apparently not for some.

I am a PC gamer.

Barkley said:

And no your post wasn't clear in the slightest as I was stating the lack in relevance of the Xbox as a product to own for PC Gamers, and you talked about how PC/Xbox owners would benefit from crossplatform multiplayer which isn't relevant and more money going to development which again is not relevant to PC gamers not needing to own an Xbox.

Pretty sure it was clear. See here:

Pemalite said:

I was an early adopter of the Xbox One, it actually makes me happier that more games are coming over to the PC where it gets exposed to more gamers, that's a good thing.. As that will hopefully translate into games with more development time and funding thanks to the larger audience.

And with Microsoft's push for cross-platform multiplayer, the Xbox should benefit from a boost in multiplayer populations as well, again, translating to a better console experience.

Aka. Interoperability with the PC is a good thing and allows Microsoft to grow it's gaming Audience for the Xbox Brand, making it less irrellevent.

Sh1nn said:

He also said that Halo 5 is coming to PC

It's already half way there with Forge anyway, will be interesting to see if they take it any farther than that though.

It's pretty ironic though, out of all the Halo games, The Master Chief collection would probably benefit the most form being on PC, rather than Halo 5 at the moment.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--