Pemalite said: I am disagreeing with you that the Xbox is an irrellevent platform with it's game library on PC, I thought I was being abundantly clear with the context I had written my post out in, but apparantly not for some. |
Dude.... my enitre point and all my posts have been about PC gamers, I thought I was being abundantly clear, but apparently not for some.
And no your post wasn't clear in the slightest as I was stating the lack in relevance of the Xbox as a product to own for PC Gamers, and you talked about how PC/Xbox owners would benefit from crossplatform multiplayer which isn't relevant and more money going to development which again is not relevant to PC gamers not needing to own an Xbox.
I never said Xbox is an irrelevent platform, there are many people who prefer Console gaming and can't be bothered or don't want to game on a PC.