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Pemalite said:

I am disagreeing with you that the Xbox is an irrellevent platform with it's game library on PC, I thought I was being abundantly clear with the context I had written my post out in, but apparantly not for some.

And again. I disagree with you that the Xbox is a paper weight, not everyone can be bothered dealing with a PC. I have both and both platforms have a place in my home.
Now I look forward to the day when I can jump on my PC and fire up a game and play with someone using an Xbox in my lounge room and maybe mobile device for simpler games. (Spartan Assault anyone?)

Dude.... my enitre point and all my posts have been about PC gamers, I thought I was being abundantly clear, but apparently not for some.

And no your post wasn't clear in the slightest as I was stating the lack in relevance of the Xbox as a product to own for PC Gamers, and you talked about how PC/Xbox owners would benefit from crossplatform multiplayer which isn't relevant and more money going to development which again is not relevant to PC gamers not needing to own an Xbox.

I never said Xbox is an irrelevent platform, there are many people who prefer Console gaming and can't be bothered or don't want to game on a PC.