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I don't really play the complete trainwreck games, because I would know beforehand that said games are complete trainwrecks. Even during ye olden days before the internet, I managed to avoid the real crap. Like, I know stuff like Superman 64 or Sonic '06 are terrible, but I never played them, so I can't count them. There's a couple that managed to slip through the cracks though;

Sim City Societies: What the h*ll was this? Floating stop signs? No realism? Zoning, power-lines, pipes, where are they? I already hated EA by the time this came out, but now they had blown it completely and permanently. Luckily I pirated this game, they weren't getting a cent from me.

Return of the King: Boring levels, boring gameplay, frustrating objectives, broken controls, EA on the cover... Lots to hate, way to ruin a great IP and movie. Luckily I got this one as a gift.

Star Wars Galaxies: Tried it out when it was free. Let's just say it reminded me why I hate MMO's pretty quickly.

A Bug's Life: At first it wasn't that bad, just your average movie tie-in game released in an age where 3D platformers were good, but then you get to the bird-boss and you notice how broken the controls are in this game. Borderline unplayable.

Wii Play: Well, who cared about this anyway, it came with the controller.

And to name something more high profile (though I guess Wii Play as already high profile enough in a way), a game that I actually thought would be good, but was a giant disappointment;

Assassin's Creed: I have never played anything more repetitive in my entire life. It's mind-boggling how non-interesting anything that goes on this game actually is.