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Barkley said:
Pemalite said:

As a high-end and primarily a PC gamer, I can't agree with you.

I was an early adopter of the Xbox One, it actually makes me happier that more games are coming over to the PC where it gets exposed to more gamers, that's a good thing.. As that will hopefully translate into games with more development time and funding thanks to the larger audience.

And with Microsoft's push for cross-platform multiplayer, the Xbox should benefit from a boost in multiplayer populations as well, again, translating to a better console experience.

With that said... The Original Xbox still managed to do well considering it's short life and cemented competition, despite the fact that the majority of it's game library, even it's criticaly acclaimed AAA titles like Halo, Halo 2, Fable etc' were all on PC.

You don't actually state what you're disagreeing with, I guess that you didn't mind buying an Xbox even though you're primarily a pc gamer and all the games are coming to PC, so imo it's a waste.

If you prefer gaming on PC and all the games are coming to PC then the XBO is just a paper weight.

I'm also not sure what relevance everything about development you talk about has when my comment was about PC gamers not needing an Xbox and being thankful they didn't invest in one, you may not share that opinion but I'm sure a good proportion do.

I am disagreeing with you that the Xbox is an irrellevent platform with it's game library on PC, I thought I was being abundantly clear with the context I had written my post out in, but apparantly not for some.

And again. I disagree with you that the Xbox is a paper weight, not everyone can be bothered dealing with a PC. I have both and both platforms have a place in my home.
Now I look forward to the day when I can jump on my PC and fire up a game and play with someone using an Xbox in my lounge room and maybe mobile device for simpler games. (Spartan Assault anyone?)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--