konnichiwa said:
What about Street fighter V? You think people said their are more fighting games on PC like Killer instinct I am not going to buy a PS4? I am not sure who it was? poklane? Who posted a picture that he was standing in a row with three people who were getting the PS4 SFV bundle in Europe. See last generation it was a popular discussion how MS was kind of stupid because who would buy a X360 because Mass Effect/Bioshock/Gears of war/Oblivion/Call of Duty II/FableII are on pc and I mention those games because they were console exclusives but it helped the X360 sales and Sony is following this generation. |
SFV is a funny one because the way people describe it here, the game would have come out probably never had good guy Sony not swooped in with money to make the game happen. And yet, even apparently being solely responsible for the games existence, they were fine with it releasing the same day on PC. They had no problem slapping "console exclusive" on the box. No Man's Sky, too. At two of my local Walmarts there are banners all over the electronics counter for the game, "console exclusive". Why would Sony go through the trouble of such marketing when it's also on PC?
The deals MicroSony makes for games and content makes it obvious they don't think there is much overlap at all in terms of gamers in both markets, and in Microsoft's case, the people who buy these games on PC are doing so in their store so they are still part of the Xbox/Windows userbase. The negative effect is tiny. I would guess that a vast majority of people who haven't bought an Xbone yet, don't give a shit about SO or Forza or whatever going to PC. Because their interest wasn't there in the first place. As you said, 360 had plenty of these games last gen yet still sold very well. PS4 has loads of console exclusives it shares with PC, yet still sells fine. If exclusives mattered as much as people make it out to be, WiiU would be faring a lot better.
There are big reasons the PS4 is outselling the Xbone at the rate it is. Games going to PC is far down that list of reasons.