konnichiwa said:
What about Street fighter V? You think people said their are more fighting games on PC like Killer instinct I am not going to buy a PS4? I am not sure who it was? poklane? Who posted a picture that he was standing in a row with three people who were getting the PS4 SFV bundle in Europe. See last generation it was a popular discussion how MS was kind of stupid because who would buy a X360 because Mass Effect/Bioshock/Gears of war/Oblivion/Call of Duty II/FableII are on pc and I mention those games because they were console exclusives but it helped the X360 sales and Sony is following this generation. |
Stuff like SFV and NMS occur because there is a secondary party involved. The possibility of them being PS4 only would likely have been brought up, but either the cost was great than the reward, or the developers out-right wouldn't agree to it. This doesn't mean there's no benefit to keeping it off PC, just that in those instances, both parties couldn't come to an agreement as to what that benefit was worth. Obviously it not being on a competing console is more important to Sony, but that doesn't make it all that matters.
Ultimately though, when it comes to the viability of "proper" exclusives vs including PC, the proof is in the pudding. Sony, MS, and Nintendo all restrict the majority of their 1st party offerings to platforms they have direct control over, thus have an active interest in attracting people to them (PlayStation for Sony, the WiiU/3DS for Nintendo, and Xbox/W10 store for MS). Clearly none of them, not even MS, believe that their games being openly available on PC doesn't matter.