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Valve updates The Lab with leaderboards and more

The Lab, the collection of VR “experiments” that Valve rolled out in March, is all about science. But as today's big update asks, “What's science without a little competition?” And not competition in the sense of being the first to have new research published in a peer-reviewed journal. No, the type of competition we're talking about here is a bit more, shall we say, hands-on.


Myst artist, BioShock Infinite writer team up for a new adventure called Zed

Obduction, the spiritual successor to Myst, is coming in July, not quite three years after Cyan raised more than $1.3 million in funding on Kickstarter. Eagre Games, founded and headed by Myst artist Chuck Carter, isn't aiming for nearly that kind of budget for Zed, which debuted on Kickstarter last week, but it still promises a game “with deep roots in the Myst adventure-puzzle genre.”


Jay Wilson, former Diablo 3 game director, is leaving Blizzard

Jay Wilson, the former game director of Diablo 3, announced on Twitter today that he is leaving Blizzard, and the videogame industry, at the end of this week.


Rocket League's loot expanding with rare items and trade-ins

As hinted, Rocket League's item system will soon expand. Rare and Very Rare loot and a trade-in system will join Painted and Certified items in the June patch.


Slapstick VR sandbox Giant Cop gets a much giant-er map

I love following the rules, especially if they’re being enforced by a cop that could cuff Godzilla. Giant Cop’s pitch is right there in the name: it’s a VR sandbox where you take on the role of a very tall officer of the law and patrol Micro City, putting away perps—literally. You grab the city’s tiny citizens using the HTC Vive controllers and throw them into jail, a building with a criminal receptacle instead of a roof. You’re not limited to just grabbing folks; Giant Cop is a physics playground. The top of a sportsman warehouse is adorned with a massive tennis racket, but as a giant cop, it’s the perfect tool for slamming bouncier criminals into the, well, slammer. A donut shop, as expected, is adorned with a massive donut so cops, giant or not, can spot it from a mile away. Our titular large police officer can pick it up for a quick snack. Plaster, sugar—what’s the difference?


Overwatch's Competitive Mode will be more "skill-based" when it returns

Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan has confirmed in an interview with Eurogamer that the McCree nerf he hinted at last week is going to happen soon, but said Blizzard is “still in exploration mode” regarding buffs to D.Va. He also talked about some of the changes that have been made to the game's Competitive mode, which is now more of a skill-based system than progression-based, as it had initially been envisioned.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.