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Win 1 of 50 codes for Western Press, a frontier duelling game

Western Press is a frontier duelling game, and as far as simulations go, it's about as unrealistic as you can get. Rather than simply firing your gun, one must press a series of keys as quickly as possible – quicker than your opponent – in order to win. It's a simple enough concept, but it's a lot of fun – especially in a room full of competitive people who like to swear really loudly while drinking beer.


Homeworld Remastered 2.0 patch is coming next week

Gearbox has announced that the big Homeworld: Remastered patch we learned about last month, which will bring both games in the package to version 2.0, will be out on June 7. Patch notes haven't been released, but Gearbox programmer Dave E. said in a message posted on the Gearbox forums that the new systems and tools should enable mod makers to “do some really exciting stuff.”


Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap remake gets reveal trailer

If you'll permit a little nostalgia, Master System platformer Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap was one of the first games I ever played set in a world rather than a series of levels; it opened my mind to new possibilities as a kid, and after playing it, I was always a bit disappointed by platform games that had more traditional linear levels—all that felt very dated, suddenly.


Cult 3DO horror D makes its way to PC

Adventure games have gone through some weird and interesting phases over the last couple of decades. Kenji Eno's 1996 3DO cult horror-adventure D arrived during the genre's tumultuous obsession with the then-revolutionary compact disc format, and as such it featured copious 3D cutscenes rendered in charmingly grainy, low-poly 3D. But there were other interesting features: the whole game took place in real-time, over a two-hour period, and if you wanted to pause or save the game and return to it later, well, you couldn't—there was no save system. D was exactly the sort of oddity that would disappear to the mists of time—and it did, except a PC version has now suddenly popped up on GOG.


Facebook logins and livestreaming are coming to Blizzard games

Blizzard and Facebook have announced a new partnership that will bring Facebook logins to Overwatch, Hearthstone, and other Blizzard games, and livestreams of those games to Facebook timelines.


Agents of MAYHEM is the next addition to the Saints Row universe

Volition, creator of Saints Row, has announced its new project: Agents of MAYHEM (the Multinational Agency for Hunting Evil Masterminds). MAYHEM is a rag-tag bunch of superheroes bent on thwarting the plans of LEGION (the League of Evil Gentlemen Intent on Obliterating Nations).

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.