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maybe before 2010, but i completley dissagree there is so much to despise now from this company so i try to make it as short as possible. I went from buying their collectors editions for everyone of their games and buying everyone of their Blizzcon virtual tickets now to not even bothering about their games at all. I dont even care about the two starcraft 2 add ons.

just some things they have recently pulled off

- a blizzard moba which rips off Dota, a free mod in WC3 that wouldn had a real game if they would made a real Warcraft 4 instead doing all the other crap

- a mediocore shooter riping off from Team Fortress, they are also charging 70€ for it and its only a 5 Gig game

-keep milking world of warcraft players with countless add ons. They are still charging for online, yeah PS+ and Xbox Live are bad but charging for one single game is still okay in 2016?

- a mobile card game which is inferior to Yu Gi Oh!

- Always online for everyone of their games, DRM registrations for every single game.