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Toxy said:
Qwark said:

No it isn´t if you consider that rape than 90% of the people who has ever had a one night stand is a rapist. If the girl or the guy regrets it afterwards it´s a form of selfmutilation, which isn´t a crime besides the person agreed with it at that time. As others said if you can´t make reasonable decisions while you are drunk, than don´t get drunk. You can´t expect society to act responsible if you yourself aren´t able to do that because you are to freaking drunk to think logical.

Another post that makes it clear that this website should stick to gaming news.
Staring out with an insult are we?

Just because you may not be able to act at your full mental capacity, does not mean you should be taken advantage of. Rape is rape, regardless of whether you are intoxicated or not.
I 100% agree. Really, who could disagree with this statement?

Instead of blaming the victims, maybe you should consider that maybe the rapists should not rape people?
ok... another statement I COMPLETELY agree with. But I am sensing a disconnect. Rapists should not rape people? Who is a rapist? Did I rape my girlfriend (now wife) when she used to come over and we would take shots together? You're just going to say that I shouldnt be raping her like that, huh?

It is the same when people slut shame. She wore revealing clothes so she was asking for it. Most of the time when someone has been raped, they have dressed moderately. Most rape victims are raped by someone that they know. 

The ignorance on this site is fucking astounding.
Don't you understand that these insults can easily be applied to yourself? You're throwing around the words "rape" and "rapist" like they are nothing. As if they don't have a very specific definition. You know, when you say something like "blame rapists" nobody knows what the word rapist means anymore, so no, I am not going to just blame rapists. I am now in a position that I have to defend rapists. I mean, you see why, right? Because you are including completely functional, nonviolent and nonmalicious people into this definition. That is exactly what you have done, so yes, I have to defend rapists now. Thanks.

This is why you don't see many female users on this site. If there is a topic someone does not comprehend, they should not spout their opinion as fact. I don't try to enforce my opinion as fact on doctors, because it is a topic I do not have enough knowledge to discuss and criticise (among other topics such as advanced physics).
LOL ok so NOW you know why there are not many female users on this site. Unbelievable. That was the reason the whole time. Because there are a sizable amount of users here who aren't going to extend the words "rape" and "rapist" to include situations where people are not acting violent or maliciously in any way. And yes, it's ok for you to enforce your opinion as fact on this topic because you're such an expert. ugh.. you should have gotten banned for this.

If you get drunk, and some dude rapes you, who is at fault? Seriously, humour me.
Allow me to use my definition of rape.. The rapist is at fault.

Moderated - Miguel_Zorro