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QUAKECore89 said:
JEMC said:

You have/had an R9 390 and a GTX 980?

You're a weird man.

Lol i love benches and see weird problems. ;p

You have an expensive hobby.

Conina said:
JEMC said:

Do you think they'll be ok waiting two months to counter AMD's movement?

Why shouldn't they be okay? They are earning more than enough profit from all their other GPUs until the 1060 is available, especially from the 1080/1070 early adopters. They also have the option to slash the prices of the 970 + 960 to have a attractive alternatives to the RX 480 until the 1060 can launch.

It also remains to be seen if the supply of the RX 480 cards can meet the demand or if it will be a paper launch.

Nvidia hasn't earned their priviliged position by letting AMD do their own thing without messing in their plans, so I expect them to do something now too.

And make a price cut on the 970/980 to counter the 480 is one of the possibilities that I mentioned in my other post. And doing that with the 960 wouldn't be as effective as it's already a ˜200 € card (4GB variant) and would be a lot slower than the 480. Only the 970/980 would work against the 480.

As for being a paper launch or a hard launch, I'll go with a hard one. If AMD had intention to do a paper one, they could have "launched" the cards at Computex or at E3, not on June 29th.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.