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hershel_layton said:

Allow me to represent two scenarios:

I) You are currently sober. You met a girl at a bar and started talking. She's drunk, and you both go to her house and she agrees to having sex. You  use the Donald Trump butt plug in your pocket and hear her moan for a wall to be built.

II) You and the girl you met at the bar are drunk. You go to her house, she asks for sex, and you two do it together.

Would either scenario be considered rape? I saw an article in my local newspaper talking about it, so I thought it'd be worth asking. It's something I hear a lot of feminists talk about as well.

Of course, my two cents is to not be super drunk in public in the first place. But oh well, that's human logic for you. 

As a man, you could be charged with rape in either of the two scenarios. It really depends upon the law of the land, which is something that would be a really good thing to know if you think you may find yourself in either scenario. Really good as in your freedom/life may depend upon your knowledge of such governing laws. 

The first scenario would be easier to prosecute in court. 

The second one could still end the same way. In a just system, you would both be charged with raping each other because neither was capable of giving consent according to the State, but in reality, women are virtually always the only ones incapable of giving consent when intoxicated. 

Here's the thing: if the woman in either scenario has no reason to file charges against you, it's not going to court. There are no Rape Police who jump in through your window, post coitus to adminster breathalizer tests to see if either or both persons are over the limit for intoxication.

Simple enough?

I'm sure there have been more than just a few long term relationships that started out with exactly the aforementioned scenarios.