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I think it's somewhat like a spectrum. I'm not gender fluid or transgender myself, so I can't really understand them as well. I'm not saying they're wrong to identify as something that isn't their assigned sex, but personally I can't relate, so I don't get it. I'm not sure how someone of the male sex could feel that they identify more with cisgender girls than cisgender boys, when it's impossible for them to know what it's like to be a cis girl (and vise versa). And even if you do identify more with the traits of girls (which would make you feel like a girl?), I would think that you could be 100% a man, mentally and physically, just with a personality more comparable to women (generally). I would assume that mentality doesn't necessarily defines someone's gender, because what's expected of males and females can change, so it's possible that a male (sex-wise) who doesn't feel comfortable as a male in 2016 would be 100% comfortable as a male if they lived in 2116. But I'm not stating anything I'm saying as fact, or even my opinion. It's my though process through it, which could be extremely illogical for all I know.

Can't wait for The Zelder Scrolls 3: Breath of The Wild Hunt!